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Fibonacci Who?


We will be using Fibonacci ratios a lot in our trading so you better learn it and love it like your mother. Fibonacci is a huge subject and there are many different studies of Fibonacci with weird names but we’re going to stick to two: retracement and extension.
Let me first start by introducing you to the Fib man himself…Leonard Fibonacci.
Leonard Fibonacci was a famous Italian mathematician, also called a super duper uber geek, who had an “aha!” moment and discovered a simple series of numbers that created ratios describing the natural proportions of things in the universe
The ratios arise from the following number series: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144 ……
This series of numbers is derived by starting with 1 followed by 2 and then adding 1 + 2 to get 3, the third number. Then, adding 2 + 3 to get 5, the fourth number, and so on.
After the first few numbers in the sequence, if you measure the ratio of any number to that of the next higher number you get .618. For example, 34 divided by 55 equals 0.618.
If you measure the ratio between alternate numbers you get .382. For example, 34 divided by 89 = 0.382 and that’s as far as into the explanation as we’ll go.
These ratios are called the “golden mean.” Okay that’s enough mumbo jumbo. Even I’m about to fall asleep with all these numbers. I'll just cut to the chase; these are the ratios you have to know:

Leverage the Killer


Most professional traders and money managers trade one standard lot for every $50,000 in their account.
If they traded a mini account, this means they trade one mini lot for every $5,000 in their account.
Let that sink into your head for a couple seconds.
If pros trade like this, why do less experienced traders think they can succeed by trading 100K standard lots with a $2,000 account or 10K mini lots with $250?
No matter what the forex brokers tell you, don’t ever open a “standard account” with just $2,000 or a “mini account” with $250. The number one reason new traders fail is not because they suck, but because they are undercapitalized from the start and don’t understand how leverage really works.
Don’t set yourself up to fail.
We recommend that you have at least have $100,000 of trading capital before opening a “standard account”, $10,000 for a “mini account”, or $1,000 for a “micro account”.
So if you only have $60,000, open a “mini account. If you only have $8,000, open a “micro” account. If you only have $250, open a “demo account” and stick with it until you come up with the additional $750, then open a “micro account”.
If you don’t remember anything else in this lesson, I plead that you at least remember what you just read above.
Okay, please re-read the previous paragraph and ingrain it in your memory. Just because brokers allow you to open an account with only $250 doesn’t mean you should and I’m going to explain why.

Discovering Your Trading Personality


Forex traders come in many different shapes and sizes. There are male traders, female traders, fat traders, skinny traders, beautiful traders, ugly traders, slow traders, fast traders, professional traders, amateur traders, fur traders … and the list goes on.
Each trader has their own personality, their own personal schedule, their own appetite for risk, their own pain threshold and their own bankroll.
Some traders might have several things in common, but most will be different. The point is each of you are unique. And depending on your personality, personal preferences, and situation, how you trade will be a driving factor in determining your success.
In order to figure out how you should trade, you must first uncover your own “trading personality.” Your trading personality will determine the trading style and method that’s compatible for you.
Trading is not like a t-shirt. There is no one-size-fits-all. There is no single plan for all traders.
I challenge you to perform a self-assessment on your personality, behaviors, beliefs, and mindset. Do you consider yourself disciplined? Are you risk averse or a big risk taker? Are you indecisive or spontaneous? Are you patient or a firecracker? Would you prefer to go bungee jumping or visit a museum? Do you like your martini shaken or stirred?
An excellent way to help you with your self-assessment is to keep a trading journal. It will help you to analyze your thought processes after the trade, and identify your strengths and weaknesses in your trading. Understanding your personality is one thing, but understanding it while you trade is a totally different story. A trading journal allows you to review your wining and losing trades and pinpoint specific reasons on why you won or lose.

Can You Handle the Truth?


Forex Trading Systems

Let’s get into our favorite part of trading…creating your own trading system!
If you do a simple search in Google for “Forex trading systems” you'll find many many many people out there who claim to have the “Holy Grail” system that you can purchase for “only” a few thousand dollars.
These systems supposedly make thousands of pips a week and never lose. They will show you supposed “results” of their perfect system and it will make your eyeballs turn into dollar signs as you sit there and say to yourself, “Wow I can make all this money if I just give this guy $3,000. Besides, if his system making thousands of pips a week, I’ll be able to make my money back in no time.”
Slowww down cowboy. There are some things you should know before you give them your credit card number and make that impulse buy.
The truth is that many of these systems DO in fact work. The problem is that traders lack the discipline to follow the rules that go along with the system.
The second truth (there's such thing as a second truth?) is that instead of paying thousands of dollars to buy a system, you can spend your time developing your own system for free, and use that money you were going to spend as capital for your trading account.
The third truth is that creating systems is not even that difficult. What is difficult is following the rules that you set when you do develop your system.
There are many articles that sell systems, but we haven’t seen any that teach you how to create your own system. This lesson will guide you through the steps you need to take to develop a system that is right for you. At the end of the lesson, we will give you an example of a system that we trade just so we can show you how awesome we are! (Insert evil laugh here.)